June was over all a pleasant month - rather wet it is true (apparently the wettest since records began), but we were also treated to some blazing sunshine and brilliant blue skies. Had it not been for the strong winds, a few of the days might even have been called perfect summer weather!
I discovered something rather interesting recently. I had often heard it said that low-flying swallows are a sign of coming rain, though the clear blue skies and uninterrupted sunshine of the succeeding days clearly belied the tale; but the other day I read that this old wives' tale actually applies to house martins. It is they who swoop lower for the insects who are trying to escape the cold upper air - swallows just fly low whenever they feel like it. So when I was out walking yesterday, along the edge of a broad bean field, and I saw the house martins all around me flying as low as they possibly could, I thought I had better turn back. And sure enough, just as I reached the gate onto the road, the droplets began to fall...