Friday, 6 May 2011

Careless Rapture!

"In the heavens he has set a tent for the sun,
which comes out like a Bridegroom from his wedding canopy,
and like a strong man runs its course with joy."
                                                                           Psalm 19 v 4b - 5 (ESV)

This has been the warmest April that England has had for over 300 years (since records began - whether a warmer April was had pre-1659, we'll never know).
I can well believe it. Such blue skies and sunshine as we've been treated to is almost indecent! But what a treat it is to lie out in the sun so early in the year, on properly dry grass - as opposed to the sort that pretends to be dry until you've been sitting on it for ten minutes, at which point it reveals itself to be just damp enough to leave green stains.
And not just for one day, but days on end, including two bank holiday weekends! Most un-British.

The swallows and house-martins returned earlier this week to set up house-keeping for the summer, and add to the general joyous atmosphere by shrieking and swooping over-head in a glorious display.

I think Browning perfectly captures my delight:
"And after April, when May follows,
And the whitethroat builds, and all the swallows!
Hark, where my blossomed pear-tree in the hedge
Leans to the field and scatters on the clover
Blossoms and dewdrops - at the bent spray's edge -
That's the wise thrush; he sings each song twice over,
Lest you should think he never could recapture
The first fine careless rapture!"
                                                      Extract from 'Home-Thoughts, from Abroad'

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