Sunday, 3 July 2011

Recipe: Chocolate Slab With A Difference!

 Non-gluten, low-sugar, chocolate dessert

1 round tin, greased (I used a 4 1/2" one, with a removable base)
1 bowl for mixing base together
1 small bowl for melting butter
1 glass bowl and 1 saucepan for melting topping

Brazil nuts
Pecan nuts
Butter, melted
Freshly grated nutmeg

70% dark chocolate (I used Green and Blacks)
Single cream
1tsp blackstrap molasses

Take roughly equal quantities of walnuts, almonds, and brazil nuts, and a smaller amount of pecan nuts, and put them all in a food processor until ground into small pieces (but not powdered). You want enough to cover the base of your tin and be about 1/3 of an inch thick.
Melt butter in the microwave and stir into nuts. The mixture should be fairly moist, so that it will stay together once it's been packed into the tin. Grate some nutmeg over it and stir.
Press the mixture firmly into the tin and put in the freezer.

Put some water in the saucepan and place the glass bowl on top. Break the chocolate in small pieces (I used about two thirds of a 100g packet) and put in the bowl, with a little cream. Melt slowly, stirring the mixture constantly, and adding more cream whenever necessary. When all the chocolate is melted and the mixture is the consistency you want, add the molasses and stir well. 

Now take the base out of the freezer and pour the chocolate mixture on top, spreading it evenly over the base. Put it back in the freezer.
When serving, make sure you take the chocolate slab out of the freezer far enough in advance for it to completely de-frost, but not so far in advance that it melts. I cut my 4 1/2" slab in quarters, to serve four.

Serve with fresh berries and a drizzle of cream if desired. Enjoy!

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